良性発作性頭位眩暈症再発例の検討 (前庭機能異常の研究-2-<特集>)
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330 patients who complained of vertigo or dizziness visited the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Fukuoka University Hospital in 1981. 58 patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo were clinically investigated.About a half of those with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo had already seizures before the vertiginous attack, on which they were examined. After the examination 9 cases out of 58 had recurrences of the attack, but their courses progressed favorably with 40 cases (70%) running in several days or weeks.The mechanism of incidence with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is said to be mainly of a local factor of the otolithic organ, but in addition, repeated general onset motive may lead to recurrence. Furthermore, lesions are not considered to be limited to the otolithic organ but extended to semicircular canals, or in relation to etiological factors recovery is retarded.
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