HTLV-1 Associated Myelopathy with Vertigo and Hearing Impairment; A Case Report.:A Case Report
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A 61-year-old man with HTLV-1 associated myelopathy (HAM) complained of vertigo and unilateral hearing loss in the right ear.On our first examination, the patient showed right sensorineural hearing loss and right canal paresis without nystagmus. Sensorineural hearing loss progressed slowly and eventually became bilateral, and various types of nystagmus developed. Direction-changing apogeotropic positional nystagmus and rebound positional nystagmus showed cerebellar involvement, and direction-fixed horizontal rotatory nystagmus and direction-changing rotatory positionl nystagmus showed peripheral vestibular involvement.These findings suggested that HAM involved not only the spinal cord but also the cerebellum, as considered previously. We suspected that HAM had also damaged the peripheral vestibular organs.
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