Effect of OK-432 on the cumulative survival of patients with tumors of the head and neck.
- 論文の詳細を見る
In 82 patients with stage II or III malignant tumors of the head and neck, the cumulative survival rate was compared between 55 treated with and 27 not treated with OK-432. The annual survival rate was consistently higher in those treated than in those not treated with the agent; a significant difference was observed after 3 years and a slight different after 5 years.Intracutaneous administration of OK-432 had no effects on the cumulative survival rate, presumably because activation of pyrimidine fluoride compounds was unaffected.Of 57 parameters tested, we describe 9 immunological and biochemical parameters used in our hospital that indicate the onset and prognosis of malignant tumors of the head and neck. These parameters were:aspirin esterase, fibrinogen, a2-globulin, and cholinesterase levels; lymphocyte count, Su-Ps skin test, and PPD skin test; lymphocytes blastgenesis to PHA; and iron level.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
中村 明正
岡本 康比古
大川 和春
小山 弘
小山 弘
中村 明正
大川 和春
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- Effect of OK-432 on the cumulative survival of patients with tumors of the head and neck.
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