A case of bacampicillin-induced esophageal ulcer.
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A case of drug-induced esophageal ulcer caused by Bacampicillin is reported. The patient, a 27-year-old female, took a Bacampicillin capsule without water just before lying in bed. Two hours later, she felt substernal burning pain and dysphagia. As the pain continued, she visited us six days after taking the drug. Esophageal endoscopy revealed fresh ulcers at the broncho-aortic constriction of the esophagus. Ulcers were shallow and irregular in both shape and size. She was treated with an antacid drug and her symptoms disappeared 10 days after the onset. We speculate that her clinical features were caused by the release of acid content from the dissolving capsule that was lodged in the throat.
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- A case of bacampicillin-induced esophageal ulcer.