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The antibacterial activity, stability of solution and clinical efficacy of a new cephem derivative antibiotic, Cefmenoxime, were studied with results which led to the following conclusions:1) In vitro antibacterial activity: The minimum inhibitory concentration of Cefmenoxime was tested by the agar plate dilution method. Cefmenoxime produced an excellent, broad spectrum antibacterial activity against standard strains of various bacteria. Cefmenoxime had the same antibacterial spectrum as those of other cephalosporin antibiotics. The MIC of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from otorrhoea was distributed at a range from 0.39 to 6.25μg/ml of Cefmenoxime, showing its peak at 1.56μg/ml. Other strains, Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis and Klebsiella pneumoniae were inhibited by ≤0.2 to 0.78μg/ml with its peak at ≤0.2μg/ml of Cefmenoxime. Cefmenoxime showed the MICs of 6.25 to 50μg/ml with its peak at 12.5μg/ml against 60 strains of pathogenic Pseudomonas aeruginosa.2) Stability of Cefmenoxime solution: Twenty mg/ml of Cefmenoxime stable with no change in color, pH or antibacterial activity when the solution was kept at 5°C or 37°C for 12 days.3) Results of clinical treatment: When Cefmenoxime was applied locally in 33 cases of acute and chronic purulent otitis, results were good in 22, fair in 5 and poor in 6 cases. When good and fair effects were considered together, the rate of effectiveness was 27 cases or 81.8 per cent.No side effect was observed when Cefinenoxime 20mg/ml solution was locally applied.
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