Electron microscopic appearance of human middle ear mucosa in normal and pathological conditions.
- 論文の詳細を見る
The middle ear mucosal epithelium in normal and pathological conditions was investigated by scanning electron microscope. In the normal middle ear cilia-bearing cells were frequently found in the floor and lower parts of the tympanic cavity. Most ciliated cells possessed about 80-200 cilia with an average length of approximately 7μ. Ciliated cells in the floor and lower parts of the tympanic cavity undoubtedly play an important role in the active mucociliary mechanism as they do in other parts of the respiratory system. Most of epithelial cells in the middle ear cavity were non-ciliated. Over 95% of epithelial cells were non-ciliated cells in the antrum and mastoid air cells. In pathological conditions, such as serous middle ear effusions, the density and the secretory activity of goblet cells were increased. There were a considerable number of small pores among the epithelial cells, through which inflammatory cells and mucous fluid-like substances came out. Ciliated cells showed sometimes abnormal figures such as short cilia, decreased number of cilia, knob formation, compound cilia and elongated cilia. These abnormal cilia may impede the mucociliary function of ciliated cells.Thus, the accumulation of fluid readily occurs in the middle ear cavity under such circumstances.
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