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Such that it is prescribed by “problem sharing nature”and “feeling sharing nature”, that the receiver side, acknowledges an altrume message strongly as altruism to an altrume message, it is able to. As for it, (the survey research object in this time was an elementary school third year student low age) “the feeling sharing nature”was controlled by, the presence of the experience, even if it was. Also, the trend that is not able to be influenced by the presence of the experience, in “problem sharing nature”is able to interpret that it is controlled by the personality of the individual. Also, it resembled the scene“that”is grieving over the presentation scene besides the person who has experienced it is able to such that “feeling sharing nature”is acknowledged strongly even more the person who there is not the experience, because he tries to soften the pain even if he is a little by the feeling sharing with a person.
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