New developed dynamic finger splint (K. U. Finger Splint)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to improve conventional hand-finger splints, we doveloped a new type of finger splint. The splint consists of a wrist cuff with two wire holders and piano spring wire which attached to the plastic coated trough.With this splint, you can assist the finger movement in any direction and any extent you want. Therefore you may apply the splint to several kind of finger disabilities, for example, radial nerve palsy, median nerve palsy, ulnar nerve palsy, and finger ulnar deviation. It may be also used to pre-and post-surgery of finger tendon troubles.This K. U. Finger Splint has following features; 1) simple to make 2) light weight 3) excellent adjustability 4) cosmstically acceptable 5) inexpensive 6) may apply to lots of finger disabilities.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
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