Posterolateral Lumbo-Scaral Fusion
- 論文の詳細を見る
A consecutive series of 41 patients with unstable lumbo-sacral spine (spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis, disc lesion et al.) treated by a technique of posterolateral fusion resulted in a high percentage of good roentgenographic and clinical results.Twenty-nine patients were male, and twelve were female (15-50 years).The longest term follow-up was 3 years, and the shortest was ten months, the average being one year and six months.Solid union occured in 90 per cent for fusion of single intervertebral joint roentgenographicly, but only 62 per cent for two or more levels.However, a good clinical result was achieved in 83 per cent.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
田島 直也
田口 厚
田中 宏和
川村 勝彦
河合 尚志
瀬良 敬祐
田口 厚
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