Snapping hip among the patieuts with the quadriceps femoris contracture due to intramuscular injection.
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Since 1974, medical examination for the muscalar contracture patients due to intramuscular injection has been coutinued in Kyushu by our group.Among the patients with the quadriceps femoris contracture, the complaints of snapping hip is significantly frequent.Among 58 patients which have more than moderate symptoms, snapping hip was seen in 15 patients (26%). Pain and running disturbance was seen in two patients. All of the snapping is extraarticular type which happens due to the tight sliding of the iliotibial tract over the trochanter major. Even though some findings of the gluteus maximus contracture were there in 9 patients of the 15 snapping hips, 4 patients apparently did not have any injection history to the gluteal region. So it seems that snapping hip is not unconmmon in the patients with quadriceps femoris contracture without gluteal lesion.
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