Two Cases Report of Luque Segmental Spinal Instrumentation for Neuromuscular Scoliosis
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Though there are several methods of instrumental surgery for scoliosis, we tried Luque Spinal Segmental Instrumentation (L-S. S. I.) on two cases of neuromuscular scoliosis. One is a spinal deformity caused by cerebral palsy, and the other is a case of the cervical cord injury with tetraplegia. Both cases got better condition than that before operation. L-S. S. I. provides secure internal fixation and correction force over conventional Harrington Instrumentation, so no external fixation is needed after surgery. Even if the patient has sensory disturbance, this instrumentation makes its maintenance easy. Spasticity with neuromuscular disease causes hook-bone stress or fracture and rod migration easily in Harrington Instrumentation. But in L-S. S. I. such cases are few. Compared with Harrington Instrumentation, loss of correction, ocurrence of pseudarthrosis are less in L-S. S. I.. And some reports mention that L-S. S. I. does not require bone graft. Selection of the length of spine to be instrumented, control for head decompensation, trunk shift and pelvic obliquity are other problems. But taking all things into consideration, we think that L-S. S. I. is a useful method for neuromuscular scoliosis.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
藤原 紘郎
中原 進之介
田辺 剛造
那須 正義
町田 博久
小川 知彦
水島中央病院 整形外科
枝重 恭一
水島中央病院 整形外科
川村 正英
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