The study of labelling motorneurons with horseradish peroxidase.
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The retrograde axonal transport technique with horseradish peroxidase was performed to determine the distribution of motorneurons innervating the tibialis anterior muscle. The assessment of the sciatic nerve after compression injury was added.1) The spinal anterior horn cells of 10 rats were stained with DAB after using Horseradish Peroxidase axonal retrograde transportion.2) The anterior horn cells innervating the tibialis anterior muscles were found to distribute between distal L-3 and proximal L-5 (mainly mid L-4) using above the technique.3) The sciatic nerve after compression test will have positive M wave in EMG at the repair process if the ipsilateral anterior horn cells have 30% more labelled cells than the controlled site.
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- 19.脊損患者における車椅子上での運動能力(脊髄障害)
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