Treatment of Distal Femoral and Tibial Shaft Fractures using The Periarticular Module.
- 論文の詳細を見る
We report on four cases of fractures of the lower extremities treated uning the Periarticular Module from May, 1993 to April, 1: A 28-year-old male, distal end of the tibia and fibula 2: A 66-year-old male, femoral supra condylar 3: A 77-year-old female, femoral supra condylar and condyle 4: A 72-year-old male, femoral supra condylar fracturre.The complication of pin track infection occurred in two cases and non-union in one case.The Periarticular Module was usefel for treating fractures of the distal femoral and tibial shaft.
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