Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Repair of Ruptured Achilles Tendons. Morphological Difference in Healing Process between Conservative and Surgical Treatment.:Morphological Difference in Healing Process between Conservative and Surgical Treatment
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We observed the healing process of ruptured Achilles tendons in a series using magnetic resonance imaging. In six cases, tendons were repaired percutaneously with limited skin incisions. Seven cases were treated conservatively using unique functional braces. MR imaging revealed two different modes of conjoining. In the conservatively treated group, tendons inclined to conjoin in a dumbbell shape. In the surgically treated group, they inclined to conjoin in a spindle shape. The diameters of the ruptured part are wider in the spindle shapecompared to the dumbbell shape at all stages. These findings suggest that surgkal treatment is favorable for acquiring earlier strength.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
阿部 靖之
清水 泰宏
古賀 俊光
谷 彰文
鶴田 敬郎
中野 哲雄
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