On Two Cases of Multiple Cartilaginous Exostosis
- 3 Cases of Epiphysial Separation
- A Case of Aneurysmal Bone Cyst in the Fibula
- An Analysis of Eleven Patients Surviving Longer than Five Years after Treatment for Osteosarcoma
- A Case of Eosinophilic Granuloma in the Left Clavicula
- Sports Injury Around the Knee Joint. Avulsion Fracture of the Tibial Tubercle and the Patellar Tendon
- A Case of Idiopathic Transient Osteoporosis of the Hip
- A Case of Giant Cell Tumor in the Metacarpal Bone of Young Man
- Rhabdomyosarcoma of Right Lower Leg Resulted from Open Fracture. Report of A Case
- The Effect of Zinc Concentration on Bone Growth in Rat
- Single Compartment Arthroplasty with Marmor's Modular Knee
- Cystic Chondroblastoma of Patella
- Prosthesis Replacement in the Treatment of the Upper End of the Femur
- On the Tumors of Bone in Our Clinic
- On the Two Pedigrees of Albers-Schönberg's Disease
- Criticism on the Results of Closed Reduction for Congenital Dislocation of the Hip Joint
- On Two Cases of Multiple Cartilaginous Exostosis
- Giant-cell Tumors of Bone in Our Clinic
- A Case of Histiocytosis X in the Scapula
- Whiplash Injuries
- Benign Chondroblastoma of the Patella A Case Report
- A Case of Malignant Lymphoma Resembling Osteomyelitis
- ALP, Ca and P in serum of C. P. children
- A Case of Giant Cell Tumor in the Metacarpal Bone
- Alkaline phosphatase activity. Ca and P levels in sera of patients with infantile cerebral palsy
- 6 Cases of Epiphyseal Separation
- A Case of Ewing's Sarcoma
- A Case of Lesch Nyhan Syndrome
- An Autopsied Case of Hepatoma with Vertebral Metastasis and Transverse Lesion of Spinal Cord
- Neurinoma of Thoracic Nerve, A Case Report
- A case of contracture of the bilateral gluteal muscle
- Anterior Fusion Operation for Metastatic Cervical Carcinoma of Breast Cancer
- Bilateral Fracture of the First Rib, A Case Report
- On the Liver Function in the Patients of Bone and Joint Tuberculosis
- A Cace Report of Metastatic Breast Carcinoma to the Hand during Lactation
- A Case-Report of Osteoid Osteoma