A study on the developmental process of swimming skill in autistic and mental retarded children, focused on the relationship between the swimming skill and the physical and mental abilities
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This is a study of teaching swimming, by some materials, such as 'a series of wheels for diving', for 18 handicapped children (11 autistic and 7 mentally retarded boys). A purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between the type of developing process of swimming skill and their physical and mental abilities. The results were as follows.1. The process types in developing swimming skill were classified by 4 groups. (1) Group A boys feared water at first, but gradually showed persistency for learning to swim, and at last became accomplished swimmers. (2) Group B were able to learn to swim for some purpose, and also became accomplished swimmers. (3) Group C were able to swim, enjoyed playing in the water, but had no interest in swimming. (4) Group D children were fearful of the water, and could gain little skill.2. By statistical analysis, the groups with high swimming skill level (A+B) differed significantly from those with low swimming skill (C+D), in the standard physical fitness as well as language and social skills by the Tsumori Developmental Schedule. In general, there were high correlations between language and physical strength/fitness.Although the developmental process depends on the degree and type of handicap, there is great variation in individual development. So, it is necessary to study in detail the teaching process based upon the condition of the individual.
- 日本発育発達学会の論文
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- A study on the developmental process of swimming skill in autistic and mental retarded children, focused on the relationship between the swimming skill and the physical and mental abilities