Measurement Method and Utilization of High-density Coordinate Data at a Slope and Cliff for Engineering Geology:Change High-Accuracy Measurement at 2-points to High-density Measurement at Topographic Surface Features Model
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In these year, we can examine high-density coordinates data of topographic features by 3d-laser-scaning measurement instruments. For Engineering Geology, this new technique makes services more efficient in many respects. For example, more quickly and more safely dating in a time of disaster, at geological investigation and at land-design, lay off a landslide active blocks, we get a detail topographic features model and slice model, and make of 3d-geological condition.<BR>High-density coordinate measurement method at topographic surface features model is put to practical use, then it is necessary to find a use for Engineering Geology.
- 日本応用地質学会の論文
淺野 広樹
石井 靖雄
三戸 嘉之
国際航業 (株)
本多 政彦
国際航業 (株)
小野 尚哉
国際航業 (株)
藤井 徹
国際航業 (株)
安原 裕貴
国際航業 (株)
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- Measurement Method and Utilization of High-density Coordinate Data at a Slope and Cliff for Engineering Geology:Change High-Accuracy Measurement at 2-points to High-density Measurement at Topographic Surface Features Model