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This paper presents a general survey of studies on interpersonal distance or personal space by discussing the major findings and controversial points concerning gender differences. According tothe oppression hypothesis, the interpersonal distance of women is smaller than that of men because women are more submissive or of a"lower status. "However, some researchers have argued against this hypothesis because of inconsistencies found within gender differences. This paper's findings show: 1) there is not sufficient evidence which shows that interpersonal distances of "lower status"people is smaller and it is not clear whether an individual's absolute status or relative status is affective; 2) there is not sufficient evidence which shows that women have a smaller distance; rather, gender differences depend on the sex combination of subject and the other; 3) gender differences are situational and therefore dependent upon whether one subject approaches the other or is approached by the other. More controlled studies are needed to clarify if gender differences are explained by status or not, and whose gender influences interpersonal distance.
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