資料 野外における野生のハトのオペラント条件づけ
- 論文の詳細を見る
Key pecking responses were shaped for wild pigeons (<I>Columba livia</I>) with a Skinner box in a natural outdoor setting. Beginning with FR 1, the ratios were gradually increased to FR 40. Commercial mixed grain was used as the reinforcer. The pigeons were individually identified by sight and photograph. The experiment included 89 sessions in 84 days from March through July. As a result, a total of 628 pigeons flew to the Skinner box, and 29 individuals could be identified. Two pigeons were trained to peck a key using the successive approximation method. Among the pigeons in which the key pecking responses were shaped, one bird flew to the Skinner box in a pair. Of the two birds in that pair, one always pecked the key and the other always consumed the food. The cumulative records for the key pecking responses by this pair were nearly the same as with single birds. Among the pigeons that were not subject to the training, seven birds spontaneously began key pecking. In two of these birds the key pecking was maintained.
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- 資料 野外における野生のハトのオペラント条件づけ
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- 資料 野外における野生のハトのオペラント条件づけ
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