家族問題研究からみた現代家族の意義と意味--保健機能と自分物語 (特集 現代社会における家族ならびに結婚の意味を問う(Part3)現代家族の存在意義を問う)
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Significance and meaning of the contemporary families in Japan is considered by examining some empirical data on health, showing stress producing as well as stress buffering, respectively. The speculated reasons why people consider marital or family relations as the primary source of identifying themselves is discussed. Firstly, pragmatic advantages of well-being held by the married over other marital status in the current modern social system are focused.Meanwhile, people are more likely to recognize and pursue the insistent and increasing importance of close relations, marital or partner relationship among others, for construction of their own self stories in their contemporary life course. This tendency is provided with push through the social process of privatization and extended longevity after the empty nest.
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- 家族問題研究からみた現代家族の意義と意味--保健機能と自分物語 (特集 現代社会における家族ならびに結婚の意味を問う(Part3)現代家族の存在意義を問う)
- ドメスティック・バイオレンスの家族社会学的研究--非対称性仮説と世代間伝達仮説をめぐって
- Sociological Research and Problem-Solving Orientation Reconsidered