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清水新二教授定年退職記念号Remarkable expansion of various measures of suicide prevention has been observed since the year of 2006 when the Prevention Act against Suicide was newly enacted. However, as prevention measures are developed, including the support program for survivors of suicides, frequently expressed are some claims from survivors themselves that it is not easily acceptable to implement survivors support programs in terms of suicide prevention measures. What they are suffered in this process is a message of “prevention", vaguely implying that suicide should be considered simply as an act avoidable, prevented and disappeared. Not only due to this implication but they are suffered also due to more intolerable connotation of denial and disregards against the whole life of suicides who were the indispensable partners or family members to survivors, providing the meaning, good memory, happy or sad, in their life course.This paper puts light upon contradiction between “prevention against and ”acceptance" of suicide, which might be highly delicate and ambiguous topic to deal, While highlighting the new terminology of JISI (literally self vanishing), we tried to discriminate the phases of implementation measure process into prevention or intervention and postvention which was the term coined by E. Scneidmann meaning the coping and supporting process for survivors after suicide is completed. Particularly much attention is put upon the sense of self accusation emotionally suffering and socially isolating survivors. Also emphasis is made that there is no way for us other than to admit unavoidable possibility of suicide even under the most deliberate attention and to admit no fault of, anyone left alive, either psychiatrists, health workers, administrators or even family members. Survivors left alive should accept JISI positively in one way or another to reconciliation with suicides and survivors themselves as well. Final conclusion is made to propose the discrimination between prevention and postvention as they are practiced under the different principle of preventive deterrence and positive acceptance.
- 2010-03-01
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