Functional Regression Models via Regularized Radial Basis Function Networks
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Recently, functional data analysis (FDA) has received considerable attention in many fields including climatology, electromyography, and signal processing. A number of successful applications have been reported (see, e.g., Ramsay and Silverman, 1997, 2002). The basic idea behind FDA is to express observed data in the form of a function, and then draw information from a collection of functional data.<BR>In this paper, we consider the problem of constructing functional regression models, using radial basis function networks (RBFNs) along with the technique of regularization. RBFNs combine the ideas of basis expansion and kernel smoothing methods, and may be described as a linear combination of radially symmetric nonlinear basis functions. An advantage of our approach to FDA lies in more flexibility transforming observations on each individual into a functional form.<BR>In practice, individuals are measured at possibly differing sets of time points, so the amount of smoothness imposed on a set of discrete data could differ among subjects. Hence, in constructing functional regression models there remains the problem of how to determine the number of basis functions and an appropriate value of the regularization parameter. Cross-validation and generalized cross-validation are often referred as in the literature. However, computational effort can be enormous and there can be large variation with a tendency to undersmooth when applied to the analysis of functional data, because the selectors are repeatedly applied.<BR>We present an information-theoretic criterion for evaluating models estimated by the method of regularization in the context of functional regression analysis. The proposed criterion is applied to choosing smoothing parameters and the number of basis functions. We analyze a set of data on climate in Canada. Bootstrap simulations were conducted to examine the performance of our modeling technique compared to the classical cross-validation method.
- 回帰モデリングとL_1型正則化法の最近の展開(ノンパラメトリック法の新展開)
- C-5 不等分散非線形回帰モデルとその推定(非線形・複雑系への統計的アプローチ(1))(日本統計学会第69回大会記録)
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- C′-3 B-スプライン非線形回帰モデルによる変化点探索(日本統計学会第68回大会記録 : 多変量解析 (3))
- C′-2 拡張BICに基づくセミパラメトリック回帰モデルの評価とその応用(日本統計学会第68回大会記録 : 多変量解析 (3))
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- A-5 AIC, ABIC, GICに基づく非線形モデリングとその応用(日本統計学会第67回大会記録 : 統計一般理論(5)回帰分析)
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- E-1 正則化局所尤度法に基づくロジスティック回帰と判別(判別)(2003年度統計関連学会連合大会記録(日本統計学会第71回大会))
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- Functional Regression Models via Regularized Radial Basis Function Networks