Eastward Tilting and Uplifting after the Late Early Pleistocene in the Eastern-half Area of the Hida Mountain Range
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The Late Pliocene to earliest Early Pleistocene (2.7-1.5Ma) uplifting of the Hida Mountain Range has been widely accepted. However, there is some controversy about the tectonic (rather than isostatic) uplifting during the late Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene. We examined the stratigraphy and structure of the late Pliocene Jiigatake volcanic rocks (ca. 2Ma) and the Early Pleistocene Shirasawatengu volcanic rocks (1.6Ma), which constitute the eastern half of the Hida Mountain Range. Both of these volcanics represent the cauldrons which were steeply(60-70°) tilted to the east. The Kurobegawa Granitic Pluton, intruding into the Jiigatake volcanic rocks at the eastern contact, shows a strongly mylonitized texture along the NNW-SSE reverse fault at its western contact. The asymmetrical fabrics of the plastically deformed mylonite show that the fault has a major vertical displacement (eastern block uplift) with minor left-lateral strike-slip components. Such a plastic deformation of quartz in the mylonite occurs at temperature above 300°C, and is equivalent to the closure temperatures of K-Ar biotite. K-Ar biotite ages of the Kurobegawa Granitic Pluton are 1.2±0.3Ma (eastern contact) and 1.0±0.3Ma (western contact), and these ages indicate that the mylonitic deformation, as well as the eastword tilting of the eastern block, began in the late Early Pleistocene. Similar eastward tilting and uplifting in the Early Pleistocene age are widely recognized in the eastern-half areas of the Hida Mountain Range (Takasegawa area and the Yari-Hotaka Range). In these areas, displacements took place along north-south trending reverse faults at the western margin of the Pliocene and Quaternary plutons. It appears from the above that the younger intrusions of magma caused thinning of elastic crust and buckling of upper crust under compressional stresses in an eastwest direction, and resulted in the eastward tilting and the uplifting of the eastern-half area of Hida Mountain Range after the late Early Pleistocene.
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