海底地形からみた日本海の海水準変化 (最終氷期以降の海水準変動とそれをめぐる諸問題<特集>)
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Detailed surveys on the submarine topography and geology have been carried out in the environs of Tsushima, Ishikari Bay and Wakasa Bay in the Japan Sea.Especially the most detailed survey was done in the west coast of Tsushima where following submarine terraces were recognized; I (0-15m), II (20-35m), III (40- 50m), IV (60-70m), V (75-85m), VI (90-110m) and VII (110-130m) Terraces. These are distributed in the east coast of Tsushima, Ishikari Bay and Wakasa Bay also.As the results of continuous seismic profiling surveys, the buried channels on continental shelves are pursued to deeper than 90m in the west coast of Tsushima, 105-110m in the east coast of Tsushima and deeper than 80m in Ishikari Bay. These buried channels are continuous to the buried valleys on the coastal land area and the bottom of the valleys is correlated to the basal plane of Alluvium. The buried channels and valleys were formed in the stage of the lowest lowering of sea level during the last Glacial Age. The shelf edge ranging 130 to 140m around Japanese Islands is also formed in this stage.After then, the sea level has risen rapidly up to the present sea level intercalating long pauses of sea level upheaval at VI (90m) and V (80m) Terraces and short pauses at IV and III Terraces.
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