- 論文の詳細を見る
Thick deposits in sea bottom are found in the troughs of Japan Sea side, and deep sea terraces on continental slope and the Nankai Trough of Pacific side. The submarine canyons terminate on these flat plains. The submarine canyons and deep sea channels are the passages through which turbidity currents run. The Nankai Trough has been buried by a great quantity of sediments and is assumed as buried past trench. Deep sea terraces have also thick sediments. Removing them, we could see tectonic depressions parallel to trench direction. The submarine relieves around the Japanese Islands are essentially controlled by tectonic trends parallel to the trenches and modified by turbidites. The author has pointed out that the troughs of Japan Sea and trenches along the oceanic side of Japan are possible geosynclines because of thick deposition or potentiality of thick deposition of sediments.
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1968-07-31
- 遠州灘沖の海底地質
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- 東北日本海沿岸の海底調査
- 1968年日向灘地震と1968年十勝沖地震の震央付近における海底構造調査
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