- 論文の詳細を見る
The distribution of lipid classes and their fatty acid composition in Codium fragile, Gracilaria vercosa, Undaria pinnatifida and Sargassum spp. were examined. Total lipids constituted from 1.3 to 1.9 per cent of dry blades, and 2.7 per cent in sporophylls of U. pinnatifida. The acetone soluble lipid content exceeded that of acetone insoluble lipid in all seaweeds studied, especially in sporophylls of U. pinnatifida. In the blades of seaweeds other than C. fragile, the free fatty acid fraction exceeded the trigly-ceride fraction, while the reverse was true in blades of C. fragile and sporophylls of U. pinnatifida. Fatty acids, C16:1 (isomer of palmitoleic acid) in Undaria, C16:3 in Codium and C20:4 in Gracilaria seemed to be characteristic for each seaweed. The sporophylls of Undaria showed a distribution of lipid classes and fatty acid composition different from those in the blades of seaweeds studied. Some unsaturated fatty acids were found to occur in higher proportions in certain seaweeds: [C16 and C18 acids in Codium, C16 acid in Undaria, and C16 and C20< acids in Gracilaria.] In polar lipid fractions, C20< acids occurred in relatively high proportions in all seaweeds tested.
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