- 論文の詳細を見る
The uptake of mercury by fish, regardless of whether the mercuric compounds originate from natural activities or are introduced into the aquatic environment as pollutants, can occur via two possible routes: the incorporation through the gastro intestinal tract or the direct absorption from the surrounding water. To further elucidate the possible routes, the patterns of increasing mercury content with growth were traced in two types of red sea bream, i.e., wild and cultured fish, whose diets were different from each other and whose circumstances relating to mercury levels of the surrounding water could be assumed not to differ significantly. The results obtained are summarized as follows: In both the dorsal and the ventral flesh of the wild fish, the total content of mercury increased exponentially with an increase of the body length. On the other hand, in the dorsal flesh of the cultured fish an equimolecular relation was obtained. The ratio of methy1 mercury to the total amount of mercury, in the wild fish, increased with increasing the body length, as opposed to the constancy of this ratio in the case of the cultured fish. From these results, it was concluded that the difference in mercury levels between the wild and cultured fish may be derived from the difference in diets. In addition, it was shown that the alky1 mercury in these fish is predominantly methy1 mercury, while ethy1 and buty1 mercury are not detected.
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