- 論文の詳細を見る
This study was undertaken to determine the effects of delay between ovulation and stripping on egg quality in the Japanese flounder. Post-ovulatory eggs were divided into 2 categories. Eggs in stage I were normal, whereas those in stage II were over-ripened and observed to be 3 to 5 days affer ovulation. In HCG-treated fish the percentages of successful fertilization and hatching indicatied were maximal one day after ovulation, followed by a rapid decrease, whereas in SG-G100-treated fish the fertilization rate was maximal 2 days after ovulation, followed by a more gradual decrease. It is shown that flounder eggs remain in good condition for 2 or 3 days depending upon the type of hormone used to induce ovulation. Changes in body weight, water and sodium contents of the eggs are discussed in relation to the over-ripening phenomenon.
- 日本水産學會の論文
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