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With the progress of eutrophication in many embayments, the determination of the total amount of phosphorus of bottom mud has become important. Such determination is usually rather complex and time consuming. By modifying a method employed in soil analyses, a simple method suitable for routine work was devised. The method is as follwos: 1) A dried mud sample is digested with 4ml 70% perchloric acid, and after dilution and filtration, the digested solutin is diluted up to 50ml. 2) From the solution, 10ml is uesd as the colorific blank of the digested solution, and the remaining 40ml is used for the colorimetric determination of phosphorus by vanadomolybdophosphoric acid. 3) The amounts of dried sample of silty mud and sandy mud which are adequate to avoid any error due iron, are 200 to 300mg and 400 to 500mg, respectively.
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