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A method was described for reading rings appearing on vertebral centra. This method was to make Polyvinyl alcohol replicas from vertebra centra for convenience of reading rings on their concave sufaces. As far as the materials examined by the authors is concerned, polyvinyl alcohol was found to be best. For making replica, polyvinyl alcohol solution is first applied on the vertebral centrum, after removing the remnant tissue and fat. Then the film is peeled off after drying, and mounted betweem two glass slides for reading rings with binocular microscope. As a preliminary work, the method was used to make replicas from vertebral centra of two species, yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata and ribbon fish Trichiurus lepturus. These replicas seemed to be better than opercular bone and otolith which have been generally used for age estimation of these species. Full advantage could be taken of the replica of vertebral centrum on ageing fish, especially those whose otolith, opercular bone and scale did not show any age marks.
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