- 論文の詳細を見る
We observed the behavior of two false killer whales Pseudorca crassidens in response to a variety of underwater pulsed sounds. The whales were kept in a net enclosure. We employed 15 different kinds of sounds and carried out 68 experiments. The behavior of the false killer whales after the sounds were transmitted was divided into three categories: “effective”, “somewhat effective”, and “not effective”. Effective behavior indicates that the false killer whales swam directly away from the source of the sound soon after transmission. At the beginning of the experiments, the sound pressure level of the effective category was above about 170dBrelμPa. This level rose as the number of experiments increased. A single pulse did not affect the behavior of the false killer whales. Pulseinterval and pulse-duration modulated sounds seemed to be more difficult to acclimate to than stable pulse sounds. To repel false killer whales, unexperienced sounds are thought to be more effective than experienced sounds.
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