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In the bottom sediments of Hiro Bay, which is polluted with kraft pulp mill effluent, the distribution of heterotrophic bacteria and hemicellulose-decomposing bacteria, and the evironmental conditions were investigated five times from 1979 to 1981. The results on aerobic bacteria were as follows: The number of heterotrophic bacteria, glucomannan-decomposing bacteria, xylan-decomposing becteria and agar-decomposing bacterai per g of wet sediments were 104 to 107, 103 to 107, 103 to 105 and 102 to 104, respectively. The results on anaerobic bacteria were as follows: The number of heterotrophic bacteria, glucomannan-decomposing bacteria, xylan-decomposing bacteria and sulfate-reducing bacteria per g of wet sediments, were 104 to 106, 102 to 107, 108 to 106 and 103 to 107, respectively. The number of aerobic xylan-decomposing bacteria and sulfate-reducing bacteria in Hiro Bay were higher than those in the unpolluted control area (Yoshimi Bay), and the ratio of the number of hemicellulose-decomposing bacteria to that of heterotrophic bacteria in Hiro Bay were also high.
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