In vitro代謝研究のためのマダイの摘出筋肉標品
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Simplified systems, such as isolated tissue samples are free from various kinds of regulation and suitable for the studies of metabolism in fish muscles. In the present study, the activity of the muscle isolated from red sea breams Pagrus major ( TEMMINCK et SCHLEGEL) was measured for contribution advancement of in vitro shudies of fish muscles. The activity was expressed as 14CO2 production and in corporation into the glycogen by isolated muscles from substrate, U-14 C-glucose, in the incubation medium under aerobic conditions. Pectoral fin muscles composed of musculus abductor superior, m. abductor profundus and m. arrector ventralis were found producing 14CO2 at constant rate for 4 hours after tissue preparations. The activity was much higher in the pectoal fin muscles than in sliced muscles from musculus supracarinalis. Therefore, it was confirmed that these isolated fin muscles were utilizable for in vitro metabolioc studies at least during 4 hours follwing isolation.
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- In vitro代謝研究のためのマダイの摘出筋肉標品
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- In vitro代謝研究のためのマダイの摘出筋肉標品