- 論文の詳細を見る
Fluxes of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphate from riverine and sewage runoff into the Ofunato estuary were measured to assess nutrient loadings and examine their frequency dis-tribution. The frequency distributions of the discharge and the nutrient concentration were well fitted to the lognormal distributions independent of each other, which led to the lognormal dis-tribution of the nutrient flux. Daily discharges were estimated from daily precipitation data using the multiple regression, and the estimated discharges could demonstrate their seasonal change including the flood after a heavy precipitation. Daily fluxes of nutrients from the river were estimated by a statistical model with a bivariate dirtribution of the daily discharge and nutrient concentration, and seasonal changes in the estimated mean and standard deviation were sampled. This model provided a strategy to estimate and predict nutrient fluxes more precisely with a more refined regression of each of the daily discharge and the nutrient concentration.
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