- 論文の詳細を見る
In mass culture tanks for the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis, the concentrations of inorganic. nitrogen compounds, pH, water temperature and specific gravity were measured daily at the Aqua-culture Research Laboratory of Nagasaki Prefectural Institute of Fisheries from April to July, 1984. The rotifer density decreased with an increased concentration of un-ionized ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N). The highest concentration of NH3-N observed was 3.6ppm. The rotifer densities above 150 rods./ml were observed, only when the pH ranged from 7.3-7.8. Acute toxicity test of NH3-N to rotifers showed that 24h LC50 value was 17.0ppm at 23°C. Chronic toxicity test showed that concentrations of NH3-N at which the population growth and the reproduction reduced by 50% of the controls were 13.2 and 7.8ppm, respectively. The concentrations at which the intrinsic rate of population growth and the net reproduction rate were reduced by l% of those of the control, were adopted as the "no-effect" concentration of NH3-N. They were estimated as 2.1 and 2.4ppm, respectively. The results from mass culture and toxicity tests showed that higher concentration of NH3-Nmight be one of restrictive factors affecting the increase of the rotifer.
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