- 論文の詳細を見る
Duplicated groups of 9 zebrafish, 3 females and 6 males, were exposed to 2.2, 4.9 and 24 ppm phenol solutions for 3 months. The fish behaved abnormally at 4.9 and 24 ppm almost im-mediately after placement in the test aquaria. The effect of phenol toxicity on the gill, ovary, kidney, intestine, and blood cells were studied carefully. The extent of damage of these organs and also the abnormal behavior were more severe at 24 ppm than at 4.9 ppm. Histological pictures of the studied organs and behavior of the fish at 2.2 ppm were almost similar to those at controls. Most of the fish at 24 ppm died within a few days, but some remained alive till the end of the experiment. However, no fish died at 4.9 and 2.2 ppm. The survived fish gradually recovered from the initial damage and showed improved condition till the end of the experiment. None of the fish spawned at 24 ppm, though all the fish at 2.2 and 4.9 ppm spawned frequently, The interval between spawnings were longer at 2.2 and 4.9 ppm than at control groups. The off-spring (eggs and larvae) of 4.9 ppm which were cultured in the same concentration all died within 7-12 days. Whereas some of those transferred to the control water survived and were cultured for 2 months and grew successfully. The off springs of 22 ppm which were cultured in the same concentration and control water survived and grew at a rate almost equal to those of the control group.
- 日本水産學會の論文
- 未孵化生残卵の生理学的および組織学的考察
- 海水中の残留オキシダントの定性分析とヒラメ, Paralichthys olivaceus卵への影響
- オゾン処理海水のヒラメ, Paralichthys olivaceus卵に対する影響
- コイ尿性状の日間変動
- 持続的高水温・短日並びにその後の条件変更がキンギョの成熟に及ぼす効果
- Studies on the reproductive rhythms of fishes. XIV. Annual reproductive cycle of 2-3 years old female goldfish and its artificial modification by manipulations of water temperature and photoperiod.
- Studies on the reproductive rhythms of fishes. XV. Environmental influences on ovarian acitivty and related hormones in yearling goldfish.
- Studies on the reproductive rhythms of fishes. XVI. Environmental influences on testicular activity and related hormones in yarling goldfish.
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