- 論文の詳細を見る
The vascular architecture of hyaloid vessel in carp eye was investigated using the trypsin digestion method. At the center of the optic disk, the hyaloid arteries branch off in radial direc-tions and proceed to the peripheral region of the retina. The branching of hyaloid arteries was divided roughly into two types. One is the dichotomous (Y-shaped) branching having two branches of equal diameter. The other is the side-arm branching which comes off at right angles from thick arteries. It was suggested that the former plays an important role in the blood trans-portation to the peripheral region. On the other hand, the latter contributes to extending the region of blood supply by making capillary plexus between the thick arteries. The capillaries come together again and form veins between the thick arteries. Both the capillaries and the veins anastomose to the annular vessel which run circularly on the ora terminalis. In addition, in contrast with almost all vessels anastomosing to the annular vessel, some capillaries seen in the neighborhood of the optic disk come back again to this disk. Thus, there are two efferent blood streams in the hyaloid vessels.
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