郊外住宅団地の住環境と居住意識に関する研究 : ——広島市内3団地の比較分析——
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In an age of falling birthrate, aging and a population decrease in Japan, the priorities of housing issues are changing from how to develop new housing to how to sustain suburban communities. In our former study, the relationship between the conditions of a location such as accessibility to the city and changes in the population structure of a housing estate group was analyzed, and the sustainability of each housing estate examined using site conditions of the housing estate in Hiroshima City. The aim of this study iwas to clarify the relationship between aging structure and consciousness of the residential environment based on a questionnaire survey of three suburban communities in Hiroshima City. The relationship of the residential environment based on consciousness for living conditions with the change in the population structure of housing estate group was analyzed to clarify the population changes and conditions necessary to make the housing estate sustainable. The major results are summarized as follows: 1) the population is decreasing in suburban communities, so the satisfaction rating of the residential environment such as daily shopping is low, 2) some support from governmental bodies is required to rebuild structures such as dwellings.JEL Classification: R20
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