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Five years have passed since the Vitalization Act of City Centers was revised in 2006. The number of basic programs certified by the central government has reached 100 and various differences can be found among the cities. However, most have similar target indices such as traffic volume, population size and commerce activity levels. In reality, each city center is surrounded by different environments and required to provide respective services brought by individual vitalization programs for each city center.In this paper, first, we classify cities into seven groups with respect to three features: population size, centrality of the city and interactions with neighboring cities. The city groups are named "atellite cities," "core cities in a district," "sprawled cities," "small cities," "core cities in a region," "compact cities" and "cities."Next, vitalization programs, targets and effectiveness are compared among all city groups. All groups have adopted traffic volume as a target index and except for the "large cities" group have implemented programs in the field of commerce.Most "satellite cities" have many inhabitants that commute to a large city, so they try to develop and implement plans to improve the quality of daily life. "Core cities in a district" attempt to promote commercial activities by increasing traffic and population. "Sprawled cities" do not have distinctive features for their target indices or vitalization programs, because they can't determine effective programs or directions. There are only three cities in the "small cities" group, which don't have budgets to implement large programs. "Core cities in a region" recognize decreased commerce and have many programs to enhance commerce. "Compact cities" set tourism as the index because they want to differentiate themselves from surrounding cities with their unique resources. Nagoya City is the only city in the "large cities" group and strives to fulfill the hub function in the Chubu district.Some vitalization programs are related to city characters. However, it is clear that interurban competition has recently intensified because populations are decreasing . In addition, there are doubts about the effectiveness of setting only population and commerce as the targets. An increase in traffic volume indicates the development of various attractive activities in a city. Various policies such as employment and tourist destination development are related to city center vitalization policies. Also, cities should expand their functions and create original brands while working from the standpoint of urban management.JEL Classification: R54
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