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The ultrastructure of mycobacterial cells including tubercle bacilli has been well studied with fruitful results. We have, however, little knowledge of mycobacterial nuclear chromosome and of localization of mycobacterial antigen. In this review, the results of our electron microscopic observations on the mycobacterial chromosomes and on the visualization of mycobacterial antigen were summarized.<BR>1. Localization of mycobacterial antigen by the use of immunoferritin. technique. Highly active IgG was obtained from rabbits immunized with <I>M. smegmatis</I> cells. The IgG was conjugated to the ferritin particles by the aid of 0.5% glutaraldehyde. Mycobacterial cells were agglutinated with the immunoferritin molecules and the cell-immunoferritin complexes were fixed, embedded and sectioned. The immunoferritin particles were shown to be combined with the outer layer of cell walls. It was clearly shown in another experiment that the immunoferritin particles were combined with the cell wall components isolated from the sonicated bacterial cells.<BR>2. Ultrastructure of mycobacterial chromosome. Several species of mycobacteria, including <I>M. tuberculosis</I> H<SUB>37</SUB>Ra and H<SUB>37</SUB>Rv, BCG, <I>M. smegmatis</I>, streptomycin-resistant strain of <I>M. smegmatis</I> AC-5 and drugs-resistant strain of human tubercle bacillus, were converted into spheroplasts in a medium containing glycine and lysozyme. The spheroplasts thus prepared were spread on the surface of water according to the "one-step release" procedure introduced by Kleinschmidt. Single DNA fiber of double helix was observed in many preparations.<BR>The length of DNA was 1, 100-1, 150μm, and the estimated genome size of <I>M. smegmatis</I> was 2.15-2.25×10<SUP>9</SUP> daltons. The replication forms were of <I>E. coli</I> type except for some strains of human tubercle bacilli. The polyribosome was observed along the active segment of DNA.
- 一般社団法人 日本結核病学会の論文
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