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1. Among the patients hospitalized at Nagahama Sanatorium during the last ten years, it was found that teen-ager patients have not been decreasing as it was expected, while the middle and higher age patients apparently increased. Patients in the age group 20-29 still o c cupies the highest percentage. (Tab.1, Fig.1)<BR>2. For 27 cases of the teen-ager patients hospitalized at present, the following ana l y sis was made.<BR>1) The number of male is more than the female, and the female cases are younger than the male cases. (Tab.2)<BR>2) About half of t h e cases had previous history of B. C. G..<BR>3) The patients having tuberculous family history a m ounted to 40.7%.<BR>4) The patients discovered by the periodical mass survey are 81.4%.<BR>5) By the chest X-ray findings at the hospitalizations, cavities we r e found in about a half of the cases. (Fig.2)<BR>6) The patients with no previous chemotherapy are 74.0%. Three out of 7 previously treated; cases had received surgical treatment. (Tab.3) The clinical course of them are mentioned.<BR>7) By the bacteriologic examination at the hospitalization, tubercle bacilli were found in a half of the cases. (Tab.4)<BR>8) The relation betw e en drug resistance and previous history of chemotherapy was analyzed. (Tab.5)<BR>A clinical co u rse of one primarily drug resistant case was mentioned.
- 日本結核病学会の論文