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In order to elucidate the mode of calcification and ossification of the human rib-cartilage appeared on the routine X-ray film, the histologica investigations of the human rib-cartilage were made.<BR>The rib-cartilage of 40 cadavers covering from the fetus to 76 years of age were examined radiologically, and fixed with 10% formalin. Decalcification was carried out using 10% formic acid-ion exchange resin method. The paraffin section, 5μ in thickness, was stained by Hematoxylin-Eosin, Azan, Weigerts Elastica, Silver impregnation and PAS stainings. On some sections, Gomoris staining and von Kóssas staining were also carried out.<BR>First, the effect of decalcification procedure on the stainability of cartil a g e tissue was studied. As to Hematoxylin-Eosin, Weigerts Elastica, Azan and Silver-impregnating stainings, no difference in the stainability was observed between the sections before and after the decalcification procedure; while, the stainability of ground-substance became less in PAS staining and stainability was lost in von Kóssas staining after the decalcification procedure. These findings indicate that the choice of the staining method is important when observing the decalcified section. <BR>Consecutive sections, 7μ in thickness, of the cartilage of the 1st rib of a new-born baby were projected on a paper by using microscopy, and cross-sections of the vessels on each section were traced on each paper. Following vessels on each cross section from paper to paper, three-dimensional structure of the vessels were re-constructed.<BR>This reconstruction procedure of the vessels w as made as the anatomical structure of the vessels is considered to be an in- and export ways of calcium ion, thus playing an important role in the calcification and ossification of the rib-cartilage.<BR>The rib-cartilage vein, which was called as the sinusoid by the author, was lined by a layer of cuboidal cells, and has a markedly large space as compared with the accompanying arterioles. Complicated branching and joining were observed, which were similar to the sinus of the spleen. The measurement of the sinusoid was carried out by using micrometer.<BR>Several interesting findings concerning calcification of the groundsubstance of the ribcartilage were observed. Histological changes of the area surrounding the sinusoid and the stainability of the ground-substance were discussed.<BR>Finally, the mode of ossification and ca l cification of the rib-cartilage was classified into the following 4 types:<BR>Type I: Ossific a tion which occurs from perichondrium and progresses into the center of the cartilage, centripetally. This type was observed in the 1st rib-cartilage.<BR>Type II: Ossification which arises from the upper or lo w er edge of the osteochondrous junction of ribs and stretches along both edges of the rib-cartilage, showing thorn likc- shadows This type was observed in the rib-cartilages except the 1st rib car tilage. Type<BR>III: Calcification of the ground-substance of the rib-c. iirtila g e. This type was also found in the rib-cartilages excluding the 1st rib-cartilage, showing mr. riye or spotted shadows.<BR>Type IV: Mixed type of the Types II and III.
- 日本結核病学会の論文