- 論文の詳細を見る
Immunotherapy has been evaluated as a significant adjuvant therapy in addition to the conventional therapies such as surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. In particular, living BCG is stillmost widely employed for various kinds of malignant diseases with apparent clinical effect on prolonging survival period and disease-free intervals of the patients. In general these effects are apparentwhen BCG are administered intratumorally. However, serious side effects including hepatic granulomawere also reported by many investigators. Moreover, the activity of living BCG differs according tostrain, and some problems due to living bacteria remain unsolved. In order to establish the immunotherapy with nonviable bacterial adjuvant, some efforts have been continued. Methanol extractionresidue (MER) has an advantages of nonviability and precise dose. However, it is a partial purification product and still contains protein component. Previous experiemnts have been shown thatcell-wall skeleton (CWS), having a principal structure of mycolic acid-arabinogalactan-mucopeptidecomplex, is a biologically active component in immunopotentiation. Further studies with BCG-CWS revealed a potent immunotharapeutic activity for human tumors as well as syngeneic tumors in miceand rats. In clinical trials for large numbers of cancer patients, no serious side effect were experienced.<BR>Thus, it can be concluded that adjuvant immunotherapy with BCG-CWS is a useful therapeuticmodality for cancer patients.
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- タイトル無し