アフガニスタン国における結核対策 : 結核治療脱落原因調査
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The defaulter rate of tuberculosis patients from treatment at Kabul Tuberculosis Centre (KTC) was 39.8% at the end of third month and reached 80.7% at the end of twelve month according to the survey made in 1975. As the defaulting rate was so high that it was necessary to find out measures to improve the attendance rate of tuberculosis patients and to increase the treatment regularity.<BR>A survey on reasons of defaulting was made in 1978 by the authors for three months. The existing home visiting system at KTC was utilized. Home visitors made home visit to patients home and interviewed with the case, his or her family member, and friends or neighbours if necessary. If the cases did not live there, moved out or died, they were classified as “not found” group. Possible default ing reasons were listed up, and they were divided into 12 categories. If some reasons other than the above 12 were found, they were coded as No.13, and details were described. All cases with some reasons of defaulting were classified as “found” group.<BR>Out of total 384 cases surveyed, 251 (65.4%) were “found” group and 133 (34.6%) were “not found” group. In “found” group, the reasons of defaulting related to the lack of health education to patients in 219 cases (87.3%). In 37 cases (9.6%), the reasons were coded as No.13. Less than 10% pointed out bad or wrong services at KTC for reasons of defaulting, though the necessity of improving services were strongly felt by the authors. Out of “not found” group, 75 moved out, 51 were unknown of their address and 7 had died already. Out of 251 “found” group, 236 (92.2%) came back to the treatment after making a survey by home visit.<BR>The fact that main reason of defaulting was the lack of health education to patients was a useful lesson to improve the regularity of drug-taking in the future. Bad and wrong services for patients at KTC should also be improved.
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