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Some reports have described that humeral bone mineral density decreases in a rotator cuff tear. However, it rarely described the change of the bone mineral density after the rotator cuff repair. The purpose of this study is to determine relation between the change of the bone mineral density (BMD) of the humeral proximal part about the rotator cuff tear repair, and the healing of rotator cuff and clinical outcome. We measured BMD of both shoulders heads of humerus, greater tubercle, and neck of the humerus preoperation and postoperative one year using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) that we performed rotator cuff surgical repair on. We categorized the subjects into two groups by each site: one group in which BMD became greater than that preoperation (BMD-increasing group) and one group in which it became less (BMD-decreasing group).We compared these two groups by age, sex, disease duration, tear size, UCLA score one year after surgery, and MRI findings one year after surgery. With respect to BMD of the head of the humerus, MRI findings postoperative one year revealed significantly more cases in the BMD-increasing group in which the low signal change of the supraspinatus tendon (p<0.05). With respect to the BMD of the greater tubercle and the neck of the humerus, no significant difference was found in any item between the two groups. Because MRI showed more cases with sufficient repair of supraspinatus tendon in cases where the BMD of the head of the humerus postoperative one year became more than that preoperation, the possibility exists that the repair condition of rotator cuff might affect the humerus bone density.
加藤 博之
加藤 博之
石垣 範雄
信州大学医学部付属病院 リハビリテーション部
村上 成道
相澤病院 スポーツ障害予防治療センター
伊坪 敏郎
信州大学医学部 整形外科
村上 成道
相澤病院 スポーツ障害治療予防センター
小林 博一
中信松本病院 整形外科
中村 恒一
信州大学医学部付属病院 リハビリテーション部
畑 幸彦
信州大学医学部付属病院 リハビリテーション部
加藤 博之
信州大学医学部 整形外科
石垣 範雄
信州大学医学部 整形外科
中村 恒一
信州大学医学部 整形外科
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