THE RERATIONSHIP OF CHANGES IN THE AMOUNT OF DISCHARGED TUBERCLE BACILLI TO ITS DRUG RESISTANCE:A Study of Significance of the Resistance Test in Cases which Discharge Tubercle Bacilli Slightly
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In an attempt to reevaluate the significace of resistance testing in cases which discharged tubercle bacilli slightly, the relationship of quantitative changes in the discharged tubercle bacilli to its resistance was explored by repeatedly testing the same cases. In 138 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in the Tokyo National Hospital who were positive, the detection of more than 200 (II-III) of colonies of isolated sputum cultures, was assessed as a large amount of the discharged tubercle bacilli; and the detection of +1-+5 as small amount of the tubercle bacilli. According to time-to-time changes in colonies of isolated culture materials from the same cases, the subjects were divided into 3 groups, the large-small, small-large, and small-small groups. One hundred of cases where the large-large groups of tubercle bacilli was discharged served as controls. After the tubercle bacilli was cultured for 4 weeks, their resistance was determined by Ogawa's Vertical Diffusion method. The degree of resistance were conceived to be significantly different when changes of not less than one-third of the degree of resistance took plance. Changes with time in resistance degree in the same cases were classified into the following three modes to serve as criteria for assessment; (1) ordinary changes in resistance where the resistance degree is increased or remains unchanged by the use of drugs; (2) extraordinary changes in resistance where the resistance degree is decreased during the use of drugs or increased by the nonuse of drugs; (3) there are changes without significant differences irrespective of use or nonuse of drugs. On the basis of roentogenological findings in the chest, the subjects were further grouped into two groups; one group where the tubercle bacilli was considered to be discharged from only one source and the other group with more than two sources of discharge of the tubercle bacilli. Thus differences in resistance changes were also studied between both groups. The above observation led to the following results and conclusions.
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- THE RERATIONSHIP OF CHANGES IN THE AMOUNT OF DISCHARGED TUBERCLE BACILLI TO ITS DRUG RESISTANCE:A Study of Significance of the Resistance Test in Cases which Discharge Tubercle Bacilli Slightly