- 論文の詳細を見る
Some properties of a plasma producd by a giant laser pulse forcused on a surface of a metallic lithium target is investi gated.<BR>Peak laser flux at the target is about 10<SUP>12</SUP>w/cm<SUP>2</SUP>.<BR>Measuremenents by double probes yield estimates of electron temperature of 3 eV and electron desity of 10<SUP>15</SUP>cm<SUP>-3</SUP>.<BR>Time-of-flight analysis of double probe signals shows that the plasma expansion velosity corresponds to an ion kinetic energy of approximately 500 eV. Time-resolved photographs reveal that, althogh the plasma appears to expand roughly symmetrivally about the original target posion, a part of the plasme moves away from the target with a normal velosity to the target of about5×10<SUP>6</SUP> cm/sec.<BR>When a uniform magnetic field (1000 to 5000G) is applied parallel to the target surface, the plasma is found also to move away from the target, traversing the magnetic lines of force almost as rapidly as it does with no magnetic fild_This PhenOmenon can be explained by the well-known E×B drift model of a plasma. An attempt is made to prove this model by short-circuiting the polarization electric field with a conducting plate introduced near the midplane of the magnetic fipld. The plate is placed with its surface perpendicular to the magnetic field so tnat the polarization electric field nay be short-circuited along the lines of force. The motion of the plasma across the field almost completely disappears, while the motion along tne lines of force becomes quite remarkable under these conditions.
- 社団法人 プラズマ・核融合学会の論文
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