混合ワクチンに関する研究 : 2. 破傷風トキソイドの抗原性について
- 論文の詳細を見る
In the case of tetanus toxoid, only one type of the International Standard (plain) has been established. In this paper, experiments were carried out to investigate whether various kinds of tetanus toxoid can be assayed by this standard.<BR>Guinea-pigs were immunized with graded doses of several preparations of the simple or combined vaccine including T., D-T, P-T., and P-D-T.<BR>In the case of fluid toxoids, the circulating tetanus antitoxin reached maximum titer between 8 and 12 weeks after immunization, while, in the case of toxoids with adjuvants such as aluminiferous compounds or pertussis vaccine, maximum titers were obtained between 6 and 8 weeks.<BR>The dosage-response lines of fluid toxoids and combined vaccines were proved paralell, while those of precipitated toxoids were not. Therfore, it was concluded that the precipitated toxoids could not be assayed against the fluid standard toxoid. In the case of the combined vaccines, it was possible to find the relative potency to the fluid standard. However, a tendency was observed that the relative potency may be different depending on the immunization periods, probably because of the differences in the process of antitoxin production. Therefore it is indicated that this may be an obstacle in the evaluation of combined vaccine against the present standard, although further experiments should be necessary to confirm this point.
- 日本細菌学会の論文
和田 英太郎
山本 昭夫
久保田 憲太郎
村田 良介
山本 昭夫
和田 英太郎
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