近交系マウスの結核感受性に関する研究 : KK系およびNC系マウスにおける実験成績
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The present studies are concerned to the observations on the relationship of strain, sex and age to the susceptibility of mice of NC, KK, CF#1 and CFW strains to tuberculous infection.<BR>All mice of NC, KK, CF#1 and CFW strains used in these experiments were obtained from Institute of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo University, and Central Laboratories for Experimental Animals.<BR>Mice of each group were infected by intravenous inoculation with doses of Tween-albumin cultures of bovine tubercle bacilli (TC 50) which varied between about 10<SUP>6</SUP>-10<SUP>8</SUP> viable units suspended in 0.3 ml of bacterial suspension. Following infection the survival days of mice of each group were observation and death rates at different times of observation period were calculated. These rates were plotted graphically on semilogarithmic probability papers.<BR>Following results were obtained.<BR>(1) CFW strain mice survived for longer period than NC strain mice.<BR>(2) Mice of KK and NC strains died more rapidly and in a more uniform manner than CF#1 strain mice.<BR>(3) The older mice of each strain showed the more marked decrease in survival days than the younger mice.<BR>(4) Female mice of NC, KK and CF#1 strains were found to be more susceptible to infection with bovine tubercle bacilli during the age of 5-9 weeks than the male mice of the same strains.<BR>From these findings it will be concluded that mice of NC and KK strains have high susceptibility and uniform response to infection with tubercle bacilli.
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