味蕾に関する形態的ならびに組織学的研究 : 上皮表面における形態的微細構造について
塩田 覚
船本 長一朗
斎藤 智子
船本 長一朗
塩田 覚
塩田 覚
- 20-methylcholanthreneにより誘発した線維肉腫様腫瘍細胞の電子顕微鏡的観察
- 味蕾に関する形態的ならびに組織学的研究 : 上皮表面における形態的微細構造について
- 上顎骨にみられた巨細胞修復性肉芽腫の1症例
- ラットの下顎頭軟骨に関する電子顕微鏡的研究
- ラットにおける下顎頭の走査電子顕微鏡的研究
- Glycyrrhizinによる唾液腺腫瘍増殖抑制とその作用に関する実験的研究
- 下顎骨へ転移をきたした腎癌の1症例と文献的考察
- Histopathological studies on a chemical injury of the tongue. Healing process of damaged tongue by acid or alkali at low concentration.:Healing process of damaged tongue by acid or alkali at low concentration
- Scanning electron microscopic observation of the ciliated epithelia in the odontogenic maxillary sinusitis.
- A rare case of undifferentiated adenocarcinoma in the submandibular gland.
- Clinical study of the antipyretic analgesic AD-1590 in pain after difficult tooth extraction. Double-blind controlled study comparing with mefenamic acid and placebo.:Double-blind controlled study comparing with mefenamic acid and placebo
- :Damage on the dorsal surface of the tongue by acid or alkali at low concentration
- パノラマX線撮影による Fuji Computed Radiography の検討
- Experimental studies on a chemical injury of the taste buds. Damage of the fungiform taste buds by acid chemical substance.:Damage of the fungiform taste buds by acid chemical substance
- An experimental study on the inhibition of proliferation in the induced salivary gland tumor by plant glycoside-ginsenoside.
- :Several changes of the chondrocyte
- An examination on magnetic resonance imaging of the temporomandibular joint.
- A histopathological study of the condylar cartilage in experimental osteolathyrism. Degenerative changes and repair of the chondrocyte.:Degenerative changes and repair of the chondrocyte
- An experimental study on the inhibition in the inducing process of salivary gland tumor by plant glycoside-ginsenoside.